A true personalized ONE-ON-ONE EXPERIENCE

Brittany-Jean Photography Jan 2024

We stand by a process that allows us to give you true one-on-one, undivided attention, where we can listen and hear your needs, hopes, and even worries. At Efficient Financial and Insurance Solutions, our clients' relationships and experiences matter.


1- Understanding (30-45 minutes)

Our relationship with you and the process for securing your family’s future begins with understanding the things that are important to you.

In our initial step with you, we seek to understand your needs. That’s all. This is an opportunity for you to share your story while we listen.

2 - Collection (30 minutes)

Goals. Objectives. Facts. Data. Here, we collect everything you’ve shared into one cohesive view, ready to be analyzed and evaluated.

3- Evaluation

Here’s where the magic happens. Once we have a complete 360 view of your story, we assess and develop a comprehensive, holistic plan that works toward your goals and objectives.

4- Collaborating (1-1.5 Hours)

We work together with your network of other professionals to explore strategies that can help achieve your goals and then assist in implementing and monitoring your chosen course of action.

5- Follow Through

Once we’ve agreed on a plan, we’ll put it into play, but not without your help. While most firms offer choices, they can fall short of holding clients accountable. That’s where we differ. We’re partners now; we will keep you accountable because we want to see you thrive.

6- Moving Forward

We’ll continue to monitor your plan, make periodic updates, and actively review everything that is happening with your assets while providing you with quarterly updates.